Free Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is free on all our buses, for all passengers. We believe it
as a must-have facility these days, not a premium feature.
Personal Power Outlets
Nearly every seat in our bus has its own standard power outlet, so
you can keep your devices charged all the way to your destination.
Extra Legroom
When designing our new and updated buses, we have actually removed
a whole row of seats rather than trying to squeeze more in.
Reclining Leather Seats
Our comfy leather seats are adjustable and have a handy footrest,
so you can find just the right spot to relax and enjoy the journey.
Overhead Storage
You can free up more room around you by putting your carry-on
baggage in the storage compartment above your seat.
No Middle Seats
On our buses, everyone gets a window or an aisle seat. So, you
don’t need to worry about getting squashed in the middle and having fight for arm rests.